How to Expand Outdoor Shade in Your Backyard

If you’re like most people, summer and warm weather is your favorite time of year. There’s nothing quite like spending a relaxing day outdoors in the sun. However, if you’re not careful, too much sun can be dangerous. That’s why it’s important to have some shade in your backyard to protect yourself from the heat. Let’s discuss several ways that you can expand outdoor shade in your backyard with exterior renovations and landscaping.

Gazebo or Deck Expansion


How to Expand Outdoor Shade in Your Backyard, Outdoor shade ImageOne way to create more shade in your backyard is to expand your existing gazebo or deck. If you have a deck, you can add awnings or canopies to provide some protection from the sun. If you have a gazebo, you can add more roofs or sides to it to make it larger and provide more shade. Either way, this is a great way to create a shady oasis in your backyard where you can enjoy the summer weather without worrying about getting too much sun. SWO Contracting can help renovate your backyard to create more shade.




A great way to expand outdoor shade in your backyard is to add a pergola. A pergola is a structure that consists of columns and beams that support a roof made of lattice or cross-beams. Pergolas are typically used to provide shade for an outdoor seating area, but they can also be used to create less sunshine for any kind of use.




If you have a deck or patio, you can install an awning to provide some much-needed shade. Awnings come in a variety of colors and styles, so you’re sure to find one that fits your home’s exterior. Awnings are a great way to expand outdoor shade because they can be retracted when you don’t need them.


Plant Fast-Growing Trees


One of the best ways to expand outdoor shade is by planting more trees. Trees provide natural shade and can help keep your backyard cool. If you have the space, consider planting a few large shade trees. A recommended alternative is deciduous trees because they offer shade in the summer and let light through in the winter.


Extra-Large Patio Umbrella


How to Expand Outdoor Shade in Your Backyard, Outdoor shade ImageAnother way to expand outdoor shade is with an extra-large patio umbrella. Patio umbrellas come in a variety of sizes, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for your backyard. Be sure to choose an umbrella that’s durable and can withstand windy conditions. A large patio umbrella is cheaper and can be professionally installed wherever you prefer in your backyard.

At SWO Contracting, we can help you expand outdoor shade in your backyard with our exterior renovations and landscaping services. Contact us today to learn more and get a quote.

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